I'm too tired to check how the other guys started writing here, and if there are introductions made. Anyway, I'm Lawrence Lorico and I am an Utak Merienda writer. Haha. For my first post ever, I'd like to share one of the weirdest things that happened to me in DLSU. This story is extremely memorable as it was one for the TIB blog that I never got to posting.
This was way back during 3rd year college I think. I stayed late in school because I had to do something org or academic related, I forget. As usual, I go out of north gate and wait for my ever trusty bensan bus to take me home to Las Pinas. I sit comfortably in my seat by the middle (of the three seater part), thinking "I'm going hoooome, to the place where I beloooong". Then this huge guy enters the bus a few minutes later. For the purposes of this story let's call him chico-man. Beside me was the last seat available and chico-man did not notice. He stood one to two seats away, and me thinking I was being nice, moved over and let him sit beside me.
Apparently, chico-man was drunk as hell. Probably had a tuesday club session with whoever he's drinking with. Damn shit smelled bad, his hair was sweaty and greasy, and fuckin dude was a big guy and took much of the seat. I had one hour plus on this bus! So fine he's sitting there, I try to sleep to shrug it off. Then I guess he was thinking the same so he tries to sleep also.
He sleeps just like this:
I try to shrug him off. He moves. Then after 5 minutes:
Again. and Again. and Again. (Yes, I took pictures. Chico-man was too dead to notice)
Worse, he was motioning like he was going to vomit. No way you vomiting on me dude. I'm wearing corporate. This is an expensive polo! And I shrug him off a little more aggressively. He sleeps off my shoulder, FINALLY. But we were near SM Southmall already by then.
I went down, and he was left there in the bus (until the station I assume.)
So, moral lesson: Don't share seats. It's bad for you, especially at 11pm onwards.
To all the people in the world, please don't commute when you're drunk. It's bad for you and everyone around you. Really. I've done it before and bad results. Okay? Yeah? No more drunk commuting? Great!
tenk u p0whz ahjejejejeje
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